Within the 1st phase which is the OYSTER project the project will follow the following steps.
Research & development
From beginning of 2021 to mid-2022
1. Develop an electrolyser system capable of operating reliably in an offshore environment
2. Demonstrate that the marinized electrolyser can meet or exceed the costand performance targets compared to the state of the art
3. Develop a comprehensive test programme for validating the performance of the system in a pilot trial and certifying the electrolyser for offshore operation
Pilot demonstration
From mid-2022 to mid-2024
4. Deploy and test a new megawatt-scale (MW) electrolyser for 18 months
5. Complete a design exercise of an integrated offshore wind turbine-electrolysis (IOWTE) module, based on the pilot trial and insights from expert partners in the offshore oil and gas sector
Planning & design for further roll-out
From mid-2023 to end 2024
6. Undertake a pre-FEED study for a specific offshore wind site, linked to an existing industrial hydrogen customer
7. Formulate business cases for further deployment of large-scale electrolysis systems in offshore environments
8. Disseminate projects results to a targeted audience of policy makers, industry participants, and potential end users of renewable hydrogen in a range of regions across Europe.